Beef Short Ribs- UNCLE MIKE'S BEEF

Beef Short Ribs- UNCLE MIKE'S BEEF

Pack Short Ribs

Uncle Mike raises his beef just to the North of the Fort Collins Farm Store.  He pastures his cows year round where they graze grass and in the winter months supplements their diet with alfalfa, hay and brewer's grains.  Occasionally these cows are given flaked corn to help keep the energy levels up.  Mike's herd is small, which allows for each cow to be given extraordinary amounts of attention and care.  This extra effort shows up in the flavor and quality of the meat! 

These got packaged into some bigger portions, so I’d suggest either grabbing em for a big smoker batch or plan for some leftovers!  You can always refreeze 1/2 the pack too.

Also called the short plate (or "long plate" depending on where it's separated from the rib primal above it), the beef plate primal includes the short ribs. It is also where the skirt steak is located, which is used in carne asada.

Beef plate contains a lot of cartilage, especially around the ribs, which is why beef short ribs are ideal for braising. This process of cooking with moist heat at a low temperature will dissolve cartilage and turn it into gelatin.