Beef- Ground Beef- Rancho Largo-Grass Finished

Beef- Ground Beef- Rancho Largo-Grass Finished

1lb Pack Ground Beef

Grain Finished Beef using organic grains while the animals are still in pasture!

We have been super impressed with this Beef and the way these guys are raising their animals. The grind on this meat is right around a 85/15 lean meat to fat ratio and really works well as a good old burger, stir fried up or worked into meat balls. My personal favorites so far have been Ria's famous meatloaf (ground beef, eggs, breadcrumbs, pork sausage, ketchup, and her secret spices) or an Avocado Bacon Burger!

See below a really great description on how these guys are raising their cattle!

Rancho Largo is located in the arid grasslands of SE Colorado, 25 miles East of Walsenburg. Our landscape is a mix of short grass prairie and rugged canyon land. We are a family of four running this operation, and we are humbled and privileged to bring you our beef. Our cattle live on open pasture their entire lives and are moved throughout the ranch in such a way that is not only sustainable, but regenerative for the land. Because of the lack of rainfall where we live, the nutritional breakdown of the grass peaks during the end of summer and the fall months. Consequently, we only offer completely grass-fed and grass-finished meat in the fall months (Sep-Nov). Throughout the remainder of the year, our animals are finished on a certified organic grain supplement while having full access to their wild pastures. We are hopeful you visit us at our website, social media, and our email list/ranch journal to learn more about us, our process and the day to day workings of the ranch. Cheers! And thank you again so much for choosing our beef.